18.08.2012, 21:49 | #7 (permalink) |
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Re: Абрамова Ольга Львовна
General Assembly
of WORLD CAT FEDERATION e.V. Maritim Hotel Gelsenkirchen Germany 28.04.2012 & 29.04.2012 President: Anneliese Hackmann, Geisbergstr. 2, D‐45139 Essen, Tel.: +49 0201 555724 , Fax: +49 201 552747, eMail: wcf@wcf‐online.de Secretary General Andreas Möbius, Hamburger Chaussee 23, DE‐16559 Liebenwalde Tel.: +49 0172‐387 41 28 Fax: 0033054 900120, email: secretary.general@wcf‐online.de Treasurer: Gisela Danisch, Hohenzollernstr. 1 d, D‐45888 Gelsenkirchen Tel.: +49 0209 1551937, eMail: treasurer@wcf‐online.de 1. Vice‐President: Paulo Ruschi, 31‐70 38th Street, Astoria, New York, NY ‐ 11103 Fax 001‐0718‐721‐0939, eMail: pruschi@nyc.rr.com 2. Vice‐President: Anna Rudakova, P.O. 123, RUS‐440000 Penza, Tel.: +7 (841‐2) 66‐01‐24, Fax: +7 (841‐2) 66‐01‐30, eMail: annrud@mail.ru World Cat Federation e.V. Office: Geisbergstr. 2 45139 Essen Deutschland Tel. 00 49 (0) 2 01 55 57 24 Fax 00 49 (0) 2 01 55 40 90 E-mail: wcf@wcf-online.de Homepage: WCF - World Cat Federation Tax.No.: 111/5786/1357 W.C.F. Generalversammlung April 2012 / General Assembly April 2012 / Assemblée Générale Avril 2012 Protocol of the General Assembly of World Cat Federation (WCF) e.V. on 28 / 29 April 2012 Generalversammlung April 2012 General Assembly April 2012 Assemblée Générale Avril 2012Freitag/Friday/Vendredi 27. April/Avril 2012 13:00 15:00 Vorstandssitzung / Board Meeting / Séance du Comité 15:00 17:00 Versammlung der Richterkommission Meeting of the Judges Commission / Séance des Juges 17:00 18:00 Versammlung der Ausstellungskommission Meeting of the Show commission / Assemblée de la commission d'exposition Samstag/Saturday/Samedi 28. April/Avril 2012 08:00 09:00 Einlass Admittance Entrée 09:15 Beginn Opening Ouverture 11:30 11:45 Kaffee Coffee Break Café 13:00 Mittagessen Lunch Déjeuner 14:00 Fortsetzung Continuation Continuation 15:15 Kaffee Coffee Break Café15:30 Fortsetzung Continuation Continuation 17:15 Ende Close Fin 19:45 Apéritif Cocktails Apéritif 20:30 Dinner Dinner Diner Sonntag/Sunday/Dimanche 29. April/Avril 2012 09:00 Beginn Opening Ouverture 11:30 11:45 Kaffee Coffee Break Café 12:30 Mittagessen Lunch Déjeuner 13:30 Fortsetzung Continuation Continuation 15:15 Kaffee Coffee Break Café 15:30 Fortsetzung Continuation Continuation 17:30 Ende Close Fin NB. Die Pausen und Endzeiten können variabel sein. Breaks and closing times may vary. Les récréations et les fins des manifestations sont variables. Generalversammlung April 2012 / General Assembly April 2012 / Assemblée Générale Avril 2012 Tagesordnung / Order of the Day / Ordre du Jour 1. Begrüßung durch die Präsidentin Welcome speech by the President Discours bienvenue par la Présidente 2. Feststellung der Stimmberechtigten nach Anwesenheitsliste W C F e.V. World Cat Federation e.V. Geisbergstr. 2 45139 Essen Confirmation eligibility of voting Members present Constatation de votes selon la liste de présence 3. Wahlen für / Election of / Election du : 3.1 Stimmenzähler / Counter of Notes / Compteur de votes (3) 3.2 Protokollführer / Minutes Secretary / Secrétaire de séance (2) 4. Abstimmung über die Protokollart als Ergebnisprotokoll A vote to decide on the Minutes being a record of results Vote pour la forme du protocole comme protocole des résultats 5. Genehmigung der Tagesordnung / Approval of the Agenda / Acceptation des sujets 6. Bericht des Vorstandes / Board Report / Rapport du Conseil dAdministration: 6.1 Präsidentin / President / Présidente Mrs. A. Hackmann 6.2 1. Vizepräsident /1st Vice President / 1ier Vice Président Mr. P. Ruschi 6.3 2. Vizepräsidentin /2nd Vice President / 2ième Vice Président Mrs. A. Rudakova 6.4 Schatzmeisterin / Treasurer / Trésorier Mrs. G. Danisch 6.5 Generalsekretärin / General Secretary / Sécretaire Générale Mrs. O. Wagner /Mr. A. Möbius 7. Bericht der Gremien / Report of the Commissions / Rapport des Commissions: 7.1 Richterkommission / Judges Commission / Commission des Juges Mrs. C. Hungerecker 7.2 Ausstellungskommission / Show Commission / Commission des Expositions Mr. P. Veneziani 7.3 Disziplinarkommission / Disciplinary Commission / Commission de Discipline Mr. K. van der Wijk 7.4 Bericht der Rechnungsprüfer (schriftlich) / Audit Report (in writing)/ Rapport de Contrôle des Finances (par écrit) Mrs. A. Frickel 8. Diskussion zu den vorgenannten Berichten / Discussion on the above reports / Discussion sur les ci‐dessus rapports (max. 30 min.) 9. Abstimmung Entlastung / Clearance vote / Vote pour décharge: 9.1 Präsidentin / President / Présidente Mrs. A. Hackmann 9.2 1. Vizepräsident /1st Vice President / 1ier Vice Président Mr. P. Ruschi 9.3 2. Vizepräsidentin /2nd Vice President / 2ième Vice Président Mrs. A. Rudakova 9.4 Vorläufiger Schatzmeister/ temporary treasurer / trésorier provisoire Mr. Dr. Zaalov 9.5 Generalsekretärin / General Secretary / Sécretaire Générale Mrs. O. Wagner 10. Anträge des Vorstandes gemäß beiliegenden Dokumenten / Applications submitted by the Board as per enclosed documents / Applications du Conseil dadministration selon les documents ci‐joints 11. Neuwahl Erweiterter Vorstand / Associated Directors / Le Comité de Direction Complémentaire 11.1 2. Vizepräsident /2nd Vice President / 2ième Vice Président 12. Neuwahl der Gremien / Election of the Commissions / Election des Commissions 12.1 Richterkommission / Judges Commission / Commission des Juges (5 + 1 Vorstand / 5 + 1 Board / 5 + 1 Conseil dAdministration) 12.2 Disziplinarkommission / Disciplinary Commission / Commission de Discipline (Nachwahl 1 Mitglied / By‐election 1 memberd / Election complémentaire 1 membre) 12.3 Revisoren / Auditors / Vérificateurs (2 + 1 Ersatz / 2 + 1 subtitute / 2 + 1 remplacant)13. Anträge der Mitglieder gemäß beiliegenden Dokumenten / Applications submitted by the members as per enclosed documents / Applications des membres selon les documents ci‐joints 14. Anträge an die WCF auf Aufnahme als Vollmitglied gemäß beiliegenden Dokumenten / Applications to WCF for Acceptance of new Full Members as per enclosed documents / Applications à la WCF pour lAcceptance de Membres Nouveaux selon les documents ci‐joints 15. Abstimmung über Status der Patronatsmitglieder / Vote about status of the patronage members / Vote sur l'état des membres de patronage 16. Abstimmung über Rekurs der verschiedene Vereine gemäß beiliegende Dokumenten / Vote about appeal of the different associations according to attached documents / Vote sur la référence des associations différentes selon les documents ci‐joints 17. Verschiedenes / Miscellanious / Sujèts à lintérêt commun 17.1 Rekurs / appeal / référence Richter / judge /juge Mrs Balchiuniene und Mr. Balchiunas 17.2 Rekurs / appeal / référence Richter / judge /juge Mrs. Olga Abramova 17.3 Rekurs / appeal / référence Richter / judge /juge Mrs. Anna Rudakova 17.4 Richter / judge / juge Mr. Andreas Kretscher‐Kraiczek Streichung von der Richterliste / Cancelation of the judge's list / Suppression de la liste de juge 17.5 Subclubs 17.6 Bildung einer Satzungskommission / Education of a statute commission / Formation d'une commission de statut 17.7 Auflösung der WCF / Resolution of the WCF / Résolution de WCF 17.8 Diskussion des Protokolls der aGV vom 10.03.2012 18. Verabschiedung durch die Präsidentin / Farewell speech by the President / Discours dadieu de la Présidente Ende der Veranstaltung / End of Meeting / Fin dAssemblée Start of the General Assembly on 28.04.2012 , 10.04 h Thhe president Mrs. Hackmann welcomes the members. Note by Mrs. Hackmann.: Film and sound recordings are not permitted Note that a list exists for the dinner and to sign up to participate, if wanted. Determination of the members present and voting rights according to the following list: Teilnehmerliste / list of participants / liste de présence bitte Namen in Druckbuchstaben eintragen / please use block letters / écrivez le nom avec les let dimprimerie, sil vous plaît ! Stimmübertrag N r . N a m e d e s V e r e i n s Name of the association Nom de lassociation Mitglieds ‐ Nr. Member ship No. Name des Teilnehmers Name of the participant Nom de le participant BemerkungenTeilnehmerliste / list of participants / liste de présence bitte Namen in Druckbuchstaben eintragen / please use block letters / écrivez le nom avec les let dimprimerie, sil vous plaît ! Stimmübertrag N r . N a m e d e s V e r e i n s Name of the association Nom de lassociation Mitglieds ‐ Nr. Member ship No. Name des Teilnehmers Name of the participant Nom de le participant Bemerkungen 1 Middle East Cat Society AE‐0192 Ariane Gerhold 2 Magicos Federacion Argentina de Gatos AR‐0173 Marlies Krebs 3 Katzenunion Österreich AT‐0106 Marie‐Claude Lemaigre X 4 Australian National Cat Inc. AU‐0174 Tino Eckhardt 5 Association Féline Belge BE‐0105 Gisela Danisch X 6 Belgische Raskatten Vereniging BE‐0224 Brigitte Pepermans 7 Confederacao de Felinos do Brasil BR‐0167 Sylvia Roriz de Carvalho 8 Swiss Cat Club SCC CH‐0113 Sandra Rautmann 9 Association Confederate European Feline (CH) CH‐0208 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 10 AFSI‐Associazione Felina della Svizzera Italiana CH‐0212 Ernest Castelnuovo Im Laufe des Sonntags gewechselt: Fr. Melnikova X 11 REGANACH Catclub CL‐0201 Anyes Alter Sonntag Fr.Ordalieva X 12 Cyprus Feline Society CY‐0124 Oleg Gulevich 13 Bohemia Cat Club CZ‐0116 Heidrun Thurow 14 Deutsche Edelkatze e.V. DE‐0103 Anneliese Hackmann 15 Freesenkatten e.V. DE‐0230 Carl‐Heinz Knelangen 16 Stammbaum e.V. DE‐0234 Michael Rosow 17 Zookeskus CATO EE‐0191 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 18 ASFeC Associació Felina de Catalunya ES‐0150 Montserrat Lopez Lamas Kein Stimmrecht! 19 ASFEGA Ascociación Felina Gallega ES‐0151 Daniel Sanchez y Mauri Teilnehmerliste / list of participants / liste de présence bitte Namen in Druckbuchstaben eintragen / please use block letters / écrivez le nom avec les let dimprimerie, sil vous plaît ! Stimmübertrag N r . N a m e d e s V e r e i n s Name of the association Nom de lassociation Mitglieds ‐ Nr. Member ship No. Name des Teilnehmers Name of the participant Nom de le participant Bemerkungen 20 Club Felino de Madrid ES‐0152 Vergilio da Luz Fernandes 21 Club Felino de las 7 Islas Canarias ES‐0169 Laura Ghirimoldi 22 "Voice's Cats of France" FR‐0223 Tanyes Krause 23 Famkat HU‐0214 Daniela Cramer 24 Royal Amuta Lehatulim IL‐0115 Marieta Rohrlack 25 Catland Israel IL‐0227 Sergey Vingyu Kein Stimmrecht! 26 FIAF Federacione Italiana Associazioni Feline IT‐0141 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 27 Serenissima Cat Club IT‐0145 Cornelia Hungerecker 28 AFEF Associanzioni Feline Federate IT‐0175 Paolo Veneziani 29 AFI Associazione Felina Italia IT‐0176 Vittoria Duchi 30 Association Confederate European Feline (IT) IT‐0209 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 31 Associazione Gatti dItalia IT‐0225 Robert Kubien 32 Belayes Lisa KZ‐0235 Larisa Levkovich 33 Das Zentrum der Tierzüchter Litauens (LGAC) LT‐0195 Renata Citovic 34 Latvian Felinology Association "Felimurs" LV‐0134 Diana Nesterenko 35 Latviyess kaku milotaju asociaciyes "MOONCAT" LV‐0159 Dieter Meister Sonntag: Walter Litherland X 36 CATs MEOW LV‐0217 Yan Lavrentyev 37 Fédération Féline de Monte‐Carlo MC‐0229 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 38 MFGC Malta Feline Guardians Club MT‐0198 Eleonora Ruggiero Teilnehmerliste / list of participants / liste de présence bitte Namen in Druckbuchstaben eintragen / please use block letters / écrivez le nom avec les let dimprimerie, sil vous plaît ! Stimmübertrag N r . N a m e d e s V e r e i n s Name of the association Nom de lassociation Mitglieds ‐ Nr. Member ship No. Name des Teilnehmers Name of the participant Nom de le participant Bemerkungen 39 Catz. Incorporated NZ‐0172 Andreas Möbius 40 Polski Zwiazek Felinologizcny PL‐0138 Anna Kubien 41 SKR‐Polnischer Rassekatzen Verein PL‐0194 Anna Surowiecka 42 Sveriges Nya Raskattförening SE‐0236 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 43 Föreningen Hallandskatten SE‐0237 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 44 Alice Pedigree Feline Center UA‐0120 Irene Schlender 45 League of Cat Fancy UA‐0133 Olga Shigulin 46 PFZ "Pan Kotskiy" UA‐0136 Tatyesna Cernova 47 FPC Suziryes UA‐0244 Juliyes Ryesbokobilenko 48 Brazilian Shorthair International Cat Society US‐0123 Kurt Rohrlack 49 Cat Association of Southern Africa ZA‐0215 Johan Lamprecht (RUS‐Vollmitglieder) Teilnehmerliste / list of participants / liste de présence N r . N a m e d e s V e r e i n s Name of the association Nom de lassociation Mitglie ds‐ Nr. Memb ership No. Name des Teilnehmers Name of the participant Nom de le participant Unterschrift Signature Signature Stimmübertra ung Vote‐ delegation Vote pour autre club yes / yes no no 1 Belarus Felinological Center Felita BY‐ 0140 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 2 SAFFI RU‐ 0112 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Teilnehmerliste / list of participants / liste de présence bitte Namen in Druckbuchstaben eintragen / please use block letters / écrivez le nom avec les let dimprimerie, sil vous plaît ! Stimmübertrag N r . N a m e d e s V e r e i n s Name of the association Nom de lassociation Mitglieds ‐ Nr. Member ship No. Name des Teilnehmers Name of the participant Nom de le participant Bemerkungen 3 Alisa RU‐ 0119 Irina Guseva Kein Stimmrecht! 4 United Cat Club of Moscow RU‐ 0125 Aiyes Nuke 5 St. Petersburg Felinological Society RU‐ 0131 Alexander Marchenko Kein Stimmrecht! 6 Korgorushi RU‐ 0135 Liudmila Vyugina 7 Cat Club Samarskayes Luca RU‐ 0139 Eveline Preiss 8 Cat Club MoKKo RU‐ 0147 Guiseppe Mosna 9 Cat Land St.Petersburg RU‐ 0149 Vera Marchenko Kein Stimmrecht! 10 International Feline Center (IFC) "Felis" RU‐ 0160 Olga Abramova 11 FFRB‐ Felinological Federation of Republic RU‐ 0161 Nadine Niedt 12 Cat Info RU‐ 0164 Elvira Krüger 13 Alice ‐ Best RU‐ 0165 Natalia Fomina 14 Elitar‐Club RU‐ Anna Rudakova 15 Feline Club Rifey" RU‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 16 Kalinka Cat Fanciers Club RU‐ Alexey Odintsov 17 Moskva RU‐ Elena Lavrentyeva 18 WOFECE ASTRA RU‐ Natalia Lebedeva 19 CCA Kotofey RU‐ Olga Mironova 20 RosKosh RU‐ Marina Litvina 21 UROFO CC Gratsiya RU‐ 0207 Elena Fedorenko 54 members with voting right are present.. The simple majority is 28 votes . The ¾ majority is 41 votes Many people registered did not arrive. It is voted on whether the clubs from Sweden, that have signed off Tuesday the 24/04/2012 and wanted to transfer their vote on Friday afternoon 27/04/2012 are accepted for voting in the GA. Result: : 5 abstentions (5 delegates did not vote, these votes are counted as abstentions as well) 19 yes 38,8 % 30 no Herewith the participation and voting right for the Swedish clubs is denied. The club Katzenunion Österreich transfers its vote to Mrs. Lemaigre. The club Association Feline Belge tranfers its vote to Mrs. Danisch, because the original delegate Mrs. Breuer is ill. Mrs. Preiss and Mrs. Nesterenkl ask on which base these decisions were made. Dicussion. Mrs. Preiss disturbs again and is called to order. Mrs. Melnikova took the word and is called twice to order by Mrs. Hackmann. Mrs. Melnikova has no voting right and therefore no right to speak in front of the GA.. Mr. Kubien requested that all presidents who have reported late or not reported and are present here as a guest or consultants receive a right to speak. Mrs. Hackmann rejects this. Guests and consultants have no right to speak. Mr. Kubien demands respect and a paragraph‐based response Mrs Pepermans stormed direction stage and talks to the board, waving with the statute. On the way back to her place she scolds quote: Was ist das eine Scheisse ( What shit is this?) Mrs Hackmann calls Mrs. Pepermans to order 1. Begrüßung durch die Präsidentin Welcome speech by the President Discours bienvenue par la Présidente Summary and extract of the speech of the president of WCF e.V. Mrs Anneliese Hackmann : Mrs. Hackmann welcomed those present and reminds first again briefly of the AGM 2010, which went through a blockade almost fruitless. Many positions had to be filled later. Also, the elected chairperson of the Show Commission Mrs. Locati withdrew of unknown cause and had to be replaced. For the first time WCF publicly called for candidate for the position of the awarding of licenses East and with success Mrs.Sivitskaya was found. She worked excellent to the satisfaction of all. Mrs. Hackman thanked the former general secretary, Mrs. Wagner, who suffered because of the massive exposure and permanent defamation and terrorizing and so had to give up the post of General Secretary. Mrs Preiss layed down the work on the website and refused any further cooperation. The old site could be performed only for a short period . A regular transfer by Mrs. Preiss has not taken place. A new website was designed and implemented. The "Best Cat" was prepared by Mrs. Preiss, though even here no one has been incorporated, so that even here much work had to be made again. The growth of the WCF, in spite of the problems was excellent. The distribution of work between the board and the committees worked well, but it was a very large expenditure of time especially for Mrs. Hackmann and the office were burdened because in addition to the constantly appearing normal work many court cases and inquiries from worried members had to be answered.Mrs. Hackmann praised the work performed by Mrs. Cernova, Mrs. Hungerecker and all the others who helped to cope with the large amount of work. Mrs. Hackmann criticized the shrinking world exhibitions, but pointed out that there were also some outstanding international exhibitions, such as the World Show in St. Petersburg organized by Ms. Marchenko. As a great success Mrs. Hackman named the inclusion of several new clubs also in the Gulf States. She talked about the situation of undeliverable invitations to the GA and described one case in particular: .The reminders that we send, will be sent in any case, by registered letter with return receipt requested to be sure that the recipient has received the reminder, but in Russia would be the only way that the service works only with the insanely expensive delivery via FedEx. We have to issue two warnings, so in the future, the delivery fees are charged to the member. We should think about how we get a grip on this somehow. On this occasion I want to say something on the service of delivery at the general meetings. We had the first shipment usually sent out the documents by email and who had not confirmed was reminded once or twice. Only then the documents were sent by post. It is shocking how many people give false addresses so that the documents are undeliverable. We had a problem after the first extraordinary general meeting. We had penalty court investigation for non‐delivery to members even though we had sent out the documents to everyone. For example, Ms Abramova, club Felis, complained that she did not receive the documents although she signed at the entrance, that she had received the documents. This process is at the time of the dictation of my speech not been completed and it may be that we have to pay several thousand euros. So this GA we were forced to send the emails with FEDEX. We sent the documents earlier and asked two or three times about the confirmation of receipt. In the end the members managed to be still late and sent the confirmations after the closure date and all papers were delivered with FedEx and we could not change the fact anymore. We received calls that in Moscow in a house the papers were not deliverable because the house had a code. We were then given phone numbers and email addresses that were provided by two patronage clubs. Only the sending with FEDEX has cost us 1200.00. We will pass these expenses on to relevant addresses. It can not be that difficult to give an address or specify a PO box if you want to keep your private address secret but we need to record it in the office. The same applies if you have new board elections. You have to notify immediately, the new president as well as the contacts and the email addresses that change constantly, and your phone number. So, this is essential for normal communication and it is also your job to check if you and your club are listed correctly on the website. If there are errors, then only you can correct them and send it to us. Mrs. Hackmann suggests keeping addresses, phone numbers and emails up to date, otherwise the delivery has to be made by FEDEX on the cost of the club. Mrs Hackmann said: To arrive at the cost again, you see, that's not our fault if we send such expensive paper, but that we have been forced to. Therefore, a change of the statute would be necessary. In the future we will try to solve this problem by posting an invitation to the AGM on the website in a secure area. Each member will receive a password and, then it is your responsibility to view the invitation and the agenda. Shortly once to the applicable court costs: No process has been initiated by us, although we would have been entitled for sure, when I think of these defamations published on the but the money we rather saved for more important things. So we have not spent any money for it, except for the things that were necessary. The Treasurer will enumerate individual items, such as the Trade Mark and of course the lawyer we needed for our processes. In principle the court cases were initiated at the district court where an attorney is required. Well, I have a certain understanding that the one or the other, if he believes he has been treated unfairly, and he believes he can not get along with its rightful club rights, that he then tries to push through with the court. I have no sympathy for it, if someone applied for financial penalties, which we have paid well, for example if the website is something that should definitely be cleaned up and where we paid 2000.00, because a text is not fast enough removed or placed on the Website. Dont forget that the website was updated by Mr. Möbius additional to his work, in addition to his duties as judge, in addition to his work as an exhibition director and treasurer of the Stammbaum eV and his help in translation and so on. It is no good if we place the update on the site in one language only . It has to be changed at least in three languages. You need a lead time of several days already. We have then passed to a website maintenance company. The next opportunity to pay a fine of 500.00 because processing the new site, the old messages were short term visible again on the net, after it had been turned off. As we had noted this, we have immediately changed it. It was a mistake that again appeared the already deleted warning of the costs for the extraordinary general meeting. This mistake could do no more harm, it was just appeared accidentally when the ancient site was changed on the net and it has beena penalty asked by members of 500.00 by court, that we had to pay. So many things that we you could really avoid. Mrs Hackmann refers about the trademark situation in Russia. 10 years the 2 nd vice‐president should have cleared the problems about the trademark in Russia, but was not successful. This is very disappointing. Only when Mrs. Hackmann personally cared about the situation the problem was solved in shortest time and so the trademark is not held anymore by a person not member in the WCF. Mrs. Hackmann closes her speech, assuring the following: You can count on my full support, after I had applied for presidency again. Let us work out together, what we desperately need. Continue to remain a strong and representative organization! 2. Feststellung der Stimmberechtigten nach Anwesenheitsliste Confirmation eligibility of voting Members present Constatation de votes selon la liste de présence The membership list is read. Mrs. Preiss urges the representatives of the Club Bohemia Cat to introduce themselves and she requires proof of payment for all clubs by the Board. Mrs. Hackmann denied this. She proposes to catch up the idea during the coffee break. Everyone wears a name tag and everyone can get to know each other. Mr. Meister interjects that a degree of confidence must also be brought towards the Board. Coffeebreak 11.35 until 11.58 Mrs. Hackmann claims that everyone who leaves the convention hall has to subscribe to the presence list with name, club number and time of exit and re‐entry. Mr. Kubien asks to get to know all the delegates present, because many of them he has never seen before. Mrs. Hackmann says that all have their name tags. This is not enough for Mr. Kubien. Mrs. Krause asked to continue in the agenda. Mr. Kubien wants to include in the record that the presentation of members present has not been performed. Mr. Kubien wants to have acknowledged that all voting members have paid an answer: yes or no. . Mrs. Hackman points out that there all Had paid apart from, the clubs that had long‐term payment arrangements. Mr. Kubien wants to know if all clubs have registered on time. Mr. Rosow requested to go back to the agenda. He says that this work and decisions were made by the board and this is not a matter to be discussed at the GA. Mrs. Rudakova indicates that she asked Mrs. Hackman as a member of the Extended Board to see these documents and get a copy. Mrs. Hackmann responds that the Treasurer and the President both have worked to the best of knowledge and belief on this task. Mr. Eckhardt interjects that the enlarged board does not have a monitoring role against the board and he would not like that people who were not elected for any job received copies of the application. Mrs. Nesterenko asks who represents the Association Mooncat. Mr. Meister answers. He is 16 years member of Mooncats. He does not know Latvian law. In Germany, he knows his stuff and he presents a registration statement from Latvia, stating the he is registered in the public register and has a right of representation for the club Mooncat. It is asked how he can sign up for 30 days in advance. Mr. Meister is a member of Mooncat and as such has been registered in time. 3 Wahlen für / Election of / Election du : 3.1 Stimmenzähler / Counter of Votes / Compteur de votes (3) candidates : Mrs. Pepermans Mr Sanchez Mrs. Alter Mrs Citovic Mrs Krüger Mrs Abramova Mrs Danisch, treasurer, leaves the GA at 12.41 h after having given her vote to the counters of votes. While the list is being prepared for the election, Mrs Preiss receives the word and complains that Mr. Möbius has given false information or inaccurate translations. Mr. Möbius says that this is not done, and repeated the announcement that the three counters of votes are elected by a majority of votes and the most votes Mrs. Hackmann wants to go to lunch. Mr. Lamprecht would like to put on the agenda that questions are answered to the minutes of the last eGA. Mrs Preiss wishes to shorten the lunch break to 45 minutes. Mrs. Hackman exclaims the lunch break, and confirms that the issues are resolved after the lunch break. Lunch break Mrs. Danisch is present again after lunch. 3.1 Mrs. Pepermans: Votes 53 Invalid 0 Abstention 0 No 32 Yes 21 39,6 % 3.2 Mrs. Alter:. Votes 54 Invalid 1 Abstention 0 No 25 Yes 28 52,8 % 3.3 Mrs. Citovic. Votes 53 Invalid 1 Abstention 0 No 22 Yes 30 57,7 % 3.4 Mrs. Krüger. Votes 54 Invalid 0 Abstention 1 No 21 Yes 32 60,4 % 3.5 Mr. Sanchez. Votes 54 Invalid 0 Abstention 0 No 29 Yes 25 46,3 % 3.6 Mrs. Abramova. Votes 53 Invalid 0Abstention 1 No 32 Yes 20 38,5 % Vote counters are Mrs. Citovic, Mrs. Krüger and Mrs. Alter. 3.7 Protokollführer / Minutes Secretary / Secrétaire de séance deutsch Mr. Möbius . Votes 54 Invalid 1 Abstention 1 No 13 Yes 39 75 % Mr. Möbius is elected secretary minutes for the German protocol. 3.8 Protokollführer / Minutes Secretary / Secrétaire de séance english Mrs. Cernova Votes 53 Invalid 0 Abstention 0 No 14 Yes 39 73,6 % Mrs. Cernova is elected secretary minutes for the english protocol. 4. Abstimmung über die Protokollart als Ergebnisprotokoll A vote to decide on the Minutes being a record of results Vote pour la forme du protocole comme protocole des résultats Votes 54 Invalid 0 Abstention 2 No 16 Yes 36 69,2 % The Board has decided to change the order of the agenda due to the strong temporal delay. The agenda items 11 to 12.3 are preferred. The proposal of Dr. Lamprecht questions to the minutes of last Extraordinary General Meeting will be added as agenda item no. 17.6.1. 5. Genehmigung der Tagesordnung / Approval of the Agenda / Acceptation des sujets Votes 54 Invalid 0 Abstention 2 No 18 Yes 34 65,4 %11. Neuwahl Erweiterter Vorstand / Associated Directors / Le Comité de Direction Complémentaire 11.1 2. Vizepräsident /2nd Vice President / 2ième Vice Président Mrs. Tatjana Cernova Dr. Johan Lamprecht withdraws Mrs. Sylvia Roriz de Carvalho withdraws The first round of voting contains too many invalid votes and therefore is declared invalid. The second round of voting produced the following results: Votes 54 Invalid 3 Abstention 1 No 17 Yes 33 66 % Mrs. Cernova is elected as second Vice‐President, She accepts the election and thanks the GA. The meeting closed 17.30 h.. General Assembly 2nd day at 29.04.2012 start 9.10 h Determination of the voting members present 54 members with voting right are present.. The simple majority is 28 votes . The ¾ majority is 41 votes The following votes were transferred: Mooncat to Mr. Litherland Renagach to Mrs. Ordalieva AFSI to Mrs. Melnikova 12 Neuwahl der Gremien / Election of the Commissions / Election des Commissions 12.1 Richterkommission / Judges Commission / Commission des Juges (5 + 1 Vorstand / 5 + 1 Board / 5 + 1 Conseil dAdministration) Votes 54 Invalid 1 candidates: Abstention Yes No Mrs. Hungerecker 0 40 12 76,9 % Mr. Eckhardt 4 30 18 62,5 % Mr. Ghisy 4 Mrs. Dickens 9 Mr. Zheegulin 3 Mrs. Litvina 18 Mrs. Gruzd 2 23 18 56,1 % Mrs. Tarasenko 2 Mrs. Sadovnikova 3 24 16 60,0 % Mrs. Ruggiero 6 31 16 66,0 % Mr. Bardella 5 Mr. Edwards 8 Mr. Lamprecht withdraws Elected in the judges‐commission are: Mrs. Hungerecker, Mrs. Ruggiero, Mr. Eckhardt. Mrs.Sadofnikova and Mrs. Gruzd. Mrs. Cernova is delegated into the commission by the board. 12.2 Disziplinarkommission / Disciplinary Commission / Commission de Discipline (Nachwahl 1 Mitglied / By‐election 1 memberd / Election complémentaire 1 membre) Votes 53 invalid 1 candidates: Abstention Yes No Mrs. Gerasimchuk 2 Mr. Daricello withdraws Mrs. Makarova 1 31 18 63,3 % Mrs. Ruggiero withdraws Mrs. Zheegulina 1 Mrs. Sala 1 Mrs. Klucniece 14 Mrs. Litvina 3 Mr. Pozzi 1 Mrs. Makarova is elected in the disciplinary commission. Mrs Makarova is not present, she is informed about the election result. Mrs. Makarova has confirmed to accept the election in an email. 12.3 Revisoren / Auditors / Vérificateurs (2 + 1 Ersatz / 2 + 1 subtitute / 2 + 1 remplacant) Votes 54 Invalid 1 Candidates: Tanja Krause 2 35 16 68,6 % Heike Themel 6 30 17 63,8 % Mrs. Krause and Mrs. Themel are elected as auditors. Mrs Krause accepts the election. Mrs. Themel is not present and is informed about the election result. 6 Bericht des Vorstandes / Board Report / Rapport du Conseil dAdministration: 6.1 Präsidentin / President / Présidente Mrs. A. Hackmann Extract of the report of the president, see point 1 of the agenda of 28.04.2012 6.2 1. Vizepräsident /1st Vice President / 1ier Vice Président Mr. P. Ruschi Dear President Mrs. Anneliese Hackmann, Dear Colleagues from the Board, Dear Club Presidents, Dear Friends in WCF !!!! Two years more have passed. We are in Essen again to celebrate our friendship and our General Assembly. WCF now is about to complete 25 years old next year celebrating its SILVER JUBILEE. What a dream coming true.!!!! We must congratulate ourselves for that. WCF was a dream for me and Anneliese in the 80's decade. We were searching for a federation with a traditional system, where all clubs could be treated equally, respectfully, a very democratic organization different from the ones existent in that decade. We were looking forward to have many many friends all over the world with the cat as a link and It was a dream to make it come through. We didn t know if we could do it, and make it REAL. But we did it ! With your help!Looking back we can see all our path, difficult times, all our fighting with other organizations, struggling to survive. We can see the great work we have done to make WCF ta great club, from far east to the far west. We are the youngest federation and most successful one. And this makes us very happy. Next year, 2013 will be our SILVER JUBILEE and in all shows Clubs can celebrate our 25 years Anniversary. Clubs only have to ask in the request that they want to make a celebration and we can put it in the license. This celebration can go to the press to attract people for the SHOW‐PARTY JUBILEE. Licenses will have a Banner : WCF SILVER JUBILEE ‐ 25 years Anniversary Party I hope everybody join us in this celebration which will be a World Wide Celebration. Because we all are responsible for this achievement.!!!On Facebook I opened open a grop called WCF 25 YEARS ‐ SILVER JUBILEE for people to show they are celebrating the Jubilee. During the past years my duty at WCF given by the president was to make the licenses for the Federation except Russia, the former Soviet Republics, and Ukraine. Here are the numbers for the licenses done by myself in 2010, 2011, 2012 and for 2013 till now 2010 139; 2011= 134; 2012 till mid April = 109 in 3 months only which means we grew up more than everFor 2013= 18 already done. My Dear Friends, unfortunately it was not possible to be present in this GA, because after some exams I am making now, I will have a hip replacement surgery, but I wish you all the success we deserve and ask you to be cool, lift your thoughts to God and ask him to guide us in understanding each other and in making this General Assembly a very productive one, give us peace of mind and good results for all of us. May God Bless you. God Bless WCF !!!! Paulo Ruschi, Rio de Janeiro, April 1, 2012 6.3 2. Vizepräsidentin /2nd Vice President / 2ième Vice Président Mrs. A. Rudakova The speech of Mrs. Rudakova was not submitted in writing. An excerpt of the speech therefore can not be published. 6..4 Schatzmeisterin / Treasurer / Trésorier Mrs. G. Danisch Mr. Zaalov was unable to prepare a financial report. The in the extraordinary General Assembly elected Treasurer Mrs. Danish prepared the report for the period. Report As treasurer I want to give you an overview of the financial situation of our association. Assets of the association On 31 st December 2010 the association's assets were 72.295,99 , divided as follows: Securities 42.898,95 Account money at call 14.874,72 Bank account 13.233,23 PayPal account 194,54 Petty cash 1.094,55 On 31 st December 2011 the association's assets were 56.848,15 , divided as follows: Securities 42.898,95 Bank account 12.796,50 PayPal account 0,00 Petty cash 1.152,70 On 19 th April 2012 the current association's assets of the association are 15.676,44 , divided as follows: Securities 5.561,92 Bank account 7.318,31 PayPal account 191,05 Petty cash 1.152,70 Trademark In the fiscal years 2010 and 2011 the trademark caused costs in amount of 5598 , in this year the current expenses amount to 3.756 . Against these expenses are standing special payments in amount of 1.440 during the same period. Together with the carryover from the previous years of ‐10.875 results the current deficit of ‐18.789 . Income and expenses In the last two fiscal years the total revenues were 123.607 and the total expenses 137.454 . In the attachment is traceable, how the revenues and expenses are splitted. Insight into the accounting records The balance of 2010 and the preliminary balance of 2011 (with detailed items) are placed for viewing. Trademark How you can see, the expenses are far exceed then the incoming special fees. (January 2007 until March 2012: +2.640 /‐21.429) outlook: WCF cannot absorb constant losses in this amount anymore, therefore it is absolutely necessary, to demand a new special fee. For the next GA I will make an application in this case. Legal advices The increase in court costs and lawyers fees in 2011 amounted to 26.191 Euro, divided as follows: Proceedings Russia (Felis, Elitar‐Club, Mrs. Abramova, Mrs. Rudakova): 18.397 Proceedings Lithuania (Felina, Mr. & Mrs. Balchiunas): 1.746 Other costs: 6.049 In this year we had again very high costs for courts and lawyers in amount of 33.786 : Proceedings Russia (ex.o. GA various clubs, Felita, Felis, Elitar‐Club, Kalinka, Mrs. Abramova, Mrs. Rudakova): 26.886 Proceedings Lithuania (Felina, Mr. & Mrs. Balchiunas): 1.736 Proceedings Club Cyprus Feline Society: 417 Other costs:: 4.747 outlook:If these issues remain high due, the WCF is no longer able to pay them. 6.5 Generalsekretärin / General Secretary / Sécretaire Générale Mrs. O. Wagner /Mr. A. Möbius O r t r u n W a g n e r R e p o r t o f t h e G e n e r a l S e c r e t a r y t o t h e G A 2 0 1 2 F o r t h e P e r i o d f r o m t h e G A A u g u s t 2 0 1 0 t o M a r c h 1 4 t h , 2 0 1 1 Dear Board Members, Delegates and Cat Lovers, Herewith, I submit my report to the General Assembly 2012. Because of my resignation for health reasons from the office as WCF General Secretary on March 14 th , 2011, the report includes seven only months. All of you remember the GA 2010, which did not take the very best turn: There were many poorly prepared delegates, unacquainted with the proposals on which they had to vote, some delegates who did not speak any of the WCF languages (G/E/F) sufficiently for to follow the meeting, there were some unfounded, bad accusations of the Second Vice President against the Board, a lot of knock‐outs to proposals, several failing votes to the elections of the commissions members, although there were enough candidates on the list. The results, some vacant offices on the one hand, an excess of work burdened at the present honorary colleagues on the other hand, some strange discussions about the co‐opted persons, leading to a delay of the operations of the WCF head office, which probably was not left in obscurity to you. Instead of this, an increase of the board members staff or a change of the WCF administration structure, would have been a must, as I pointed out already some years ago, as the continuous expansion of the WCF caused and still causes an immense increase of the work volume. During the period of my assignment as WCF General Secretary, hence from summer 2004 until March 2011, 77 associations in Russia, Latvia, Switzerland, Cuba, Mexico, Ukraine, Estonia, the United Arabian Emirates, Poland, Malta, Chile, Ecuador, Germany, Romania, Italy, Israel, Monaco, France, Kazakhstan, Suede, Norway, Turkey, Hungary, South Africa, Colombia, Uruguay, Belgium, Bulgaria, Malaysia, Denmark, Belarus were admitted to the WCF, additionally, there were innumerable sub clubs that had to be registered. At the same time, only a few clubs left. Every single case required a lot of advice and information before and during the new clubs memberships, an activity that is well expected to be done by the General Secretary at the start at least, but many times also further on, especially, if the actual responsible persons, the patron clubs or the commissions, are failing to perform their duty, either because they cannot or because they do not want to do so. During the period of this report from the GA in August 2010 until the mid of March, 6 new clubs were admitted under patronage: Sept. 2010 MY‐0248 "Feline Enthusiast of Malaysia" F.E.M, Dr. Siti Muyassarah Rusli, under the patronage of Deutsche Edelkatze, President Mrs. Anneliese Hackmann Nov. 2010 DK‐0249 Cozy cat Club CCC, Mrs. Mia Stöcker Byrialsen, under the patronage of Freesenkatten e.V., president Mr. KH Knelangen Jan. 2011 BY‐0250 PFC Mister Kot, Mrs. Olga Rohachyova‐Kuzako, under patronage of Saffi, pres. Mrs. Komarova Feb. 2011 EE‐0251 RLA Arlanta, Mr. Viktor Lokk, under patronage of Mooncat, president Irena Kresle Feb. 2011 UA‐0252 PZF USLADA, Mrs. Zasoba, under patronage of LFA Felimur, president Vija Klucniece March 2011 LT‐0253 Klubas "Top Miau" president Mrs.Lapinskiene, under patronage of the club Zookeskus Cato EE‐0191, president Mr. Aleksej ZarzitskijUFF returned after a temporary exit, the club Magicos of Mrs. Feldmann was rehabilitated after the waiting period. As everybody can imagine, it is just impossible to conduct and to administer an international organization, that has grown up to its multiple size world wide within a couple of years since its foundation, properly by the same minimal staff of board members like at the start. Although the electronic communication facilitates the correspondence, it also speeds it up and this way it causes a huge augmentation of the business that has to be dealt with. Umpteen e‐mails in many languages arrived every day, all of it had to be read, treated, filed or forwarded and of course, answered. Additionally there were all the many phone calls, the usual daily business and on top of that again and again there were many and more time‐consuming problems caused by some WCF clubs rule infringements. During the period of this report, especially unpleasant to realize, a flood of e‐mails and letters with offensive and defamatory contents was spread around; you probably are aware about the origin of it. My activities dedicated to the WCF exceeded by far the GS field of activity as prescribed by the WCF statutes. In this connection, I would like to express my warm thanks to Mrs. Tatjana Cernova, who kindly assisted me in a very reliable and competent way. Also and most of all I would like to express my heart‐felt thankfulness towards WCF President Anneliese Hackmann, the unique founder, leader, keeper and supporter of our World Cat Federation. Thank you, Anneliese, for your open minded, warm hearted and constructive co‐operation for all the years! It was a pleasure to work with you! My many thanks also to the WCF board members, the members of the commissions and the club presidents who supported my work while pursuing all their goals within the WCF with some high personal effort, but never lost sight of the most important subject: Our cats! Along with these lines, I wish you all the best and a prosperous future to the WCF! Heppenheim, March 2012 Ortrun Wagner Report of the Secretary General Andreas Möbius for March and April 2012 On March 10 2012 I was candidate for the position of the Secretary General of WCF. The members of WCF voted for me with the majority of votes . The work I have done in the past weeks is quickly recorded: I wrote some email answers to questions concerning the GA today of private persons. I wrote statements to Mrs Hackmann forming letters for lawyers. I collected the Minutes from Mrs. Cernova and Mrs. Themel and together with Mrs. Meister put them in a form that all could read and understand what they had recorded and sent the minutes to the members. I organized the WCF‐Olimpia in Rome together with Mrs, Duchi and presented the Best Cat of WCF. Andreas Möbius 7 Bericht der Gremien / Report of the Commissions / Rapport des Commissions: 7.1 Richterkommission / Judges Commission / Commission des Juges Mrs. C. Hungerecker Dear Delegates, dear Judge´s Colleagues, Two years have gone by fast and again it is time to report to you about the Judge´s Commission. First of all I want to thank the Members of the Commission for their cooperation. Now to our work: As we receive many enquiries from clubs regarding breeding rules, we have created a guide for breeding and registration rules. Every new, but also every old club can act upon it. It is a guide which the clubs shall use as a guideline for their own rules. Furthermore we have developed a training concept for Judge´s Pupils. We have it on display and you can take it along. We will also put it on the web site. I thank Mr Eckhardt and Mr Lamprecht for their effort to create these documents and Mr Edwards for reviewing the English translation. We have also discussed that judges, who have completed a judge´s training different to the one of the WCF and want to get licensed, have to take a short exam as proof of their abilities. The majority of the Commission Members is in favour of this proposal. Newly licensed judges also represent the WCF on exhibitions and therefore need to have the know how of the WCF. Of course the WCF has to be sure, too, that the license is justified. At the moment we are concentrating on the revision of the exam questions. However, we will need a little more time before we can present the final version. The documents are very extensive which is why the translation work is very time‐consuming, too. Help with the translation work is highly appreciated! The judge´s exams are a case for themself and I had already pointed out two years ago that the judging judges have a lot of responsibilty and shall be aware of it.. Unfortunately there is no visible progress yet. Again and again I hear rumours, that Judge´s Pupils show up for their exam with already answered exam documents or that you can even buy an exam. When I get contacted by the clubs and receive complaints that our judges are badly trained, I start to wonder if some of these rumours are true. Please consider that the exhibitor´s and club´s discontentment due to the lack of qualification of WCF Judges will fall back on all of us in the end. As judges are also working beyond the WCF, our image is especially at risk. We want that the WCF is represented on cat exhibitions around the world by excellent judges with integrity. The topic foreign languages is still up‐to‐date. I am very surprised when judges mark the language skills with very good on the judge´s pupil´s reports, although the judge himself/herself does not speak the language. How can someone check language skills if he/she does not speak the language? You will probably agree that this is not acceptable. The statement that someone wants to become a judge to finance his living certainly raises questions which refer to this function. I myself judge because it is a hobby for me and because I enjoy it and not because I want to make a living out of it. If we would consider the judge´s payment as income, it would lead to a variety of consequences. I trust that this time you take my pleas seriously and that all judges, especially those who take exams, give it some thought. The Judge´s Commission does not see itself as an organ for surveillance and it is not its task, either. It is important that the judges are aware of their responsibility, as this is part of this nice task. Thank you for your attention. Cornelia Hungerecker, Chairwoman DC 7.2 Ausstellungskommission / Show Commission / Commission des Expositions Mr. P. Veneziani Dear members, The commission has received a large number of requests processed on time. We thank all members of the show commission, of course, Mr. Ruschi and Mrs. Sivitskaya for the great work done for the proper functioning of the commission. I would like to remind all clubs that any requests will be faster if the application is completed correctly in all its parts. We received some reports of violations of rules and for this reason we are asking all clubs to read the rules and abide only by the WCF expo rules. Thanks for your attention Paolo Veneziani 7.3 Disziplinarkommission / Disciplinary Commission / Commission de Discipline Mr. K. van der WijkIn the time between eGA in March 2012 and the GA in April 2012, no changes on the report of the DC were made. 7.4 Bericht der Rechnungsprüfer (schriftlich) / Audit Report (in writing)/ Rapport de Contrôle des Finances (par écrit) Mrs. Wolkner‐Sieczkarek (Auditor) replaced Mrs. Frikel Mrs. Krause (Auditor) replaced Mrs. Schunkert R e p o r t o f t h e a u d i t The annual audit took place on February, 15th 2012 in the office of the World Cat Federation in Essen. Present: Mrs. Hackman (president) Mrs. Wolkner‐Sieczkarek (auditor), replacement for Mrs. Frickel Mrs. Krause (auditor), replacement for Mrs. Schunkert The period from 01.01.2010 until 31.12.2011 was checked. The audit was made based on the following documents: 1. statements of the account of Commerzbank 2. book‐keeping records 3. book‐keeping accounts 4. determination of profits in the years 2010 and 2011 5. cash report Book‐keeping records, bills about expenses in cash, remittance orders were compared with the corresponding statements of account. The audit was done by making random samples, there were no factors which could have been in question, the book‐keeping was beyond all doubts. However, a false reservation of 70.23, a transference mistake of 30.00 and a transfer was ascertained without document at the rate of 165.00. The correction of these positions was escorted in the ways. All necessary documents were presented to the arbitrary commission deliberately. Open questions were answered willingly and immediately. 45139 Essen, 2012, 15th of February Mrs. Wolkner‐Sieczkarek Mrs. Krause (Rechnungsprüferin) (Rechnungsprüferin)25 8 Diskussion zu den vorgenannten Berichten / Discussion on the above reports / Discussion sur les ci‐dessus rapports (max. 30 min.) Mrs. Preiss asks why the reports of the commissions and the speech of the president were not given ealier, but only now. Like this she could not be prepared. Question to point 6.1 Why were double judgements performed with special permission, if on the last GA a decision was made, that double judgements were not permitted. Answer Mrs. Hackmann: Double judgements were only permitted to collect experiences and to receive reports about the experiences made. The reason was as well to publish the possibilities given by a double judgement. Question to point 6.3 from Mrs. Preiss why were no works delegated anymore to the 2nd vice‐president. Mrs. Hackmann answers, that this is not true and that even in the past not many things were given to the 2nd vice‐president, mostly she should have taken care of the russian WCF clubs. Mainly decisions were given for voting and the last given work was to control the language abilities of Russian student judges. Mrs. Preiss asks the disciplinary commission if it is known, that a case was started against Mrs. Hackmann by the public prosecutor in a financial problem. Mrs. Pepermans answers, that nothing is known in the DC. Mrs. Hackmann answers, that this was given to the knowledge of Mr. V.d.Wijk by telephone and that he would await the further development until the case has arrived in written document. Mrs. Preiss denies answering the question of Mrs. Hackmann, who had given that information to her knowledge. Mrs Hackmann doubts that there is a case against her in the public prosecutors office and wants more information from Mrs. Preiss. Mrs. Preiss answer, that Mrs. Hackmann should ask the lawyer Dr. Barthel. Mrs. Hackmann explains, that Dr. Barthel, the lawyer of Mrs. Rudakova has written a letter to her lawyer, Dr. Renner, and has given to knowledge, that Mr. Zaalov declared, that in 2011 on an exhibition in Israel / Tel Aviv he had to sign a money transfer over 30 thousand or 300 thousand Euro ( he can not remember the amount as he does not speak german) under the pressure of Mrs. Hackmann. Pin and Tan of the concerning account were blocked afterwards, so he could not prove the transfer. Explanation by Mrs. Hackmann: Mr. Zaalov signed the document of Commerzbank about the confirmation of the receiving of Pin and Tan only, which he had received before. Mrs. Hackmann only asked him to sign the confirmation for giving it to the bank. The access to the account was only blocked after the elections in eGA in March, as Mrs. Danisch has taken over the duties of the treasurer officcially. The letters of Commerzbank were presented in the GA for review. 9‐ Abstimmung Entlastung / Clearance vote / Vote pour clarification: 9.1 Präsidentin / President / Présidente Mrs. A. Hackmann Votes 54 Invalid 0 Abstention 0 No 19 Yes 35 64,8 % Mrs. Hackmann received positive clearance. 9.2 1. Vizepräsident /1st Vice President / 1ier vice Président Mr. P. Ruschi Votes 53 Invalid 0 Abstention 1 No 19 Yes 33 63,5 % Mr. Rushi received positive clearance. 9.3 2. Vizepräsidentin /2nd Vice President / 2ième vice Président Mrs. A. Rudakova Votes 54 Invalid 0 Abstention 7 No 27 Yes 20 42,6 % Mrs. Rudakova did not receive positive clearance. 9.4 Vorläufiger Schatzmeister/ temporary treasurer / trésorier provisoire Mr. Dr. Zaalov Votes 53 Invalid 026 Abstention 2 No 36 Yes 15 29,4 % Mr. Zaalov did not receive positive clearance. 9.5 Generalsekretärin / General Secretary / Sécretaire Générale Mrs. O. Wagner Votes 54 Invalid 0 Abstention 2 No 23 Yes 29 55,8 % Mrs. Wagner received positive clearance TOP 10 Anträge des Vorstandes gemäß beiliegenden Dokumenten / Applications submitted by the Board as per enclosed documents / Applications du Conseil dadministration selon les documents ci‐joints 10.1. Anträge der Ausstellungskommission / Proposals from the show commission / Propositions de la commission dexposition: Die bisher veröffentlichten folgenden Klassen müssten auf dieser GV ratifiziert werden. Wir bitten um Abstimmung: The previously published following classes must be ratified at the AGM. We ask for your vote: Les classes publiées auparavant suivantes doivent être ratifiées à l'assemblée générale annuelle. Nous demandons votre vote: Klasse 23 Rassen im Anerkennungsprozess / Class 23 breeds in the recognition process / Classe 23 races dans le processus de reconnaissance In dieser Klasse werden alle Rassen und Farbvarianten ausgestellt, die sich noch im Prozess der Anerkennung befinden. Sie können die Bewertung Vorzüglich / Exzellent erhalten und werden plaziert, erhalten jedoch kein Titelzertifikat. Die Katzen werden getrennt nach Rasse, Farbe und Geschlecht eingeteilt. Sie konkurrieren nicht für die Best in Show. In this class all breeds and colour variations are exhibited that are still in the process of recognition. They can receive an Excellent and are placed, but will not receive title certificate. The cats are classified separately according to breed, colour and gender. They do not compete for the Best in Show Dans cette classe, toutes les races et les variantes de couleur qui se trouvent encore dans le processus de la reconnaissance sont exposés. Ils peuvent recevoir le résultat excellent et sont placés, ne reçoivent, donc, aucun certificat de titre. Les chats sont jugés séparés d'après la race, la couleur et le sexe. Ils ne sont pas en concurrence pour le Best in show. Votes 52 Invalid 3 Abstention 0 No 11 Yes 38 77,6 % This proposal is accepted. Klasse 24 Außer Konkurrenz / Class 24 Out of Competition / Classe 24 Hors Compétition In dieser Klasse werden alle Katzen ausgestellt, die außer Konkurrenz an der Show teilnehmen möchten. / Class for all cats which are exhibited out of competition. / Dans cette classe se trouvent tous les chats exposé hors compétition. Votes 54 Invalid 3 Abstention 0 No 10 Yes 41 80,4 % This proposal is accepted. 10.2 Ausstellungen in der gleichen Stadt / Exhibitions in the same town /Expositions dans la même ville: Es müssen mindestens 4 Wochen zwischen 2 lizenzierten Ausstellungen liegen. / There must be at least 4 weeks between two exhibitions licensed./ Il doit y avoir au moins 4 semaines entre deux expositions licensés. The proposal is withdrawn and given back to the judges commission for further delevopment. 10.3 Veröffentlichung der Ausstellungsregeln auf Vereins Homepages / Publication of the show rules on club websites / Publication des règles dexposition sur les sites Web des clubs27 Alle Mitglieder sind verpflichtet nur die kompletten Showregeln zu veröffentlichen. Die Veröffentlichung von Auszügen ist nicht zulässig. Ersatzweise kann ein Link zur Homepage der WCF e.V. gelegt werden. All members are obliged to publish only the complete show rules. The publication of excerpts is not permitted. Alternatively, a link to the homepage of the WCF eV can be installed. Tous les membres sont tenus de publier seulement les règles dexposition complètes. La publication d'extraits n'est pas autorisée. Sinon, un lien vers la page d'accueil de l'eV WCF peut être installé. Votes 52 Invalid 3 Abstention 4 No 9 Yes 36 80 % This proposal is accepted. |
18.08.2012, 21:53 | #8 (permalink) |
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Re: Абрамова Ольга Львовна
10.2 Ausstellungen in der gleichen Stadt / Exhibitions in the same town /Expositions dans la même ville: Es müssen mindestens 4 Wochen zwischen 2 lizenzierten Ausstellungen liegen. / There must be at least 4 weeks between two exhibitions licensed./ Il doit y avoir au moins 4 semaines entre deux expositions licensés. The proposal is withdrawn and given back to the judges commission for further delevopment. 10.3 Veröffentlichung der Ausstellungsregeln auf Vereins Homepages / Publication of the show rules on club websites / Publication des règles dexposition sur les sites Web des clubs27 Alle Mitglieder sind verpflichtet nur die kompletten Showregeln zu veröffentlichen. Die Veröffentlichung von Auszügen ist nicht zulässig. Ersatzweise kann ein Link zur Homepage der WCF e.V. gelegt werden. All members are obliged to publish only the complete show rules. The publication of excerpts is not permitted. Alternatively, a link to the homepage of the WCF eV can be installed. Tous les membres sont tenus de publier seulement les règles dexposition complètes. La publication d'extraits n'est pas autorisée. Sinon, un lien vers la page d'accueil de l'eV WCF peut être installé. Votes 52 Invalid 3 Abstention 4 No 9 Yes 36 80 % This proposal is accepted. 10.4 Doppelbewertung / Double judgement / Double jugement Auf der letzten Mitgliederversammlung wurde dieser Antrag abgelehnt. Ein Club ist aus diesem Grund ausgetreten. In den vergangenen Monaten vergab der Vorstand probeweise Sondergenehmigungen für Doppelbewertungen. Der Vorstand verlangte einen Bericht über die Durchführung der Doppelbewertung. Leider sind nicht alle Clubs dem nachgekommen. Die eingegangenen Berichte waren sehr positiv. Wir bringen deshalb den folgenden Vorschlag zur Abstimmung. : Unter folgenden Voraussetzungen können Doppelbewertungen beantragt werden. Ausführungsvorschriften zur Durchführung von Doppelbewertungen: Nominierungen sind in der Zweit‐Bewertung für Best in Show nicht erlaubt. Rassesieg dürfen in der Zweit‐Bewertung nicht vergeben werden. Mindestens 3 Richter müssen eingeladen werden. Alle zu richtenden Kategorien müssen dreifach redundant mit Richtern besetzt sein. (Bespiel: 3 Allbreed‐Richter oder 2 Allbreed Richter, 1 Richter für die Gruppe LH/SLH und 1 Richter für die Gruppe OSH/SH) Die Genehmigung der Durchführung einer Doppelbewertung ist nur möglich, wenn in der gleichen Region innerhalb von 4 Wochen keine andere WCF‐Ausstellung stattfindet. Doppelbewertungen können nicht genehmigt werden für: Weltausstellungen, Joints‐Shows, Best Cat of WCF (WCF Olimpia), WCC‐Meeting‐Ausstellungen und ähnliche Events. Die Doppelbewertung kann für 1 oder auch für 2 Tage vergeben werden. Es werden so genannte D‐Nummern eingeführt. Eine Lizenzgebühr muss dafür entrichtet werden. Wir schlagen je Tag 10 Euro vor. At the last general meeting, this request was rejected. A club has wurde zurückgezogen membership in WCF from this cause. In recent months, the Board tentatively awarded special licenses for double judgements. The Board requested a report on the implementation of the double judgement. Unfortunately, not all clubs replied those requests. The reports received were very positive. We therefore propose the following to the vote. : Under the following conditions double‐judgements can be demanded. : Implementing regulations for double judgements: Nominations for "Best in Show" are not permitted in the second judgement. Best of Breed may not be awarded in the second judgement. At least three judges must be invited. All categories need to be guarded triple redundant by the judges. (Example: 3‐Allbreed judges or two judges Allbreed, 1 judge for the group LH / SLH and 1 judge for the group OSH / SH) The approval of the license‐request for a double judgement is only possible if there is no other WCF exhibition in the same region within 4 weeks time. Double judgements can not be approved for: World Shows, joints shows, Best Cat of WCF (WCF‐ Olimpia), WCC Meeting exhibitions and similar events. The double judgement may be awarded for 1 or for 2 days. For this reason D‐Numbers are implemented. A license fee must be paid. We propose 10 per day. Lors de la dernière assemblée générale, cette demande a été rejetée. Un club a retiré de la WCF à partir de cette cause. Les derniers mois, le Conseil a provisoirement accordé des licences spéciales pour les doubles jugements. Le Conseil a demandé un rapport sur les doubles jugements effectués. Malheureusement quelques clubs nont pas fait les rapports demandés. Les rapports reçus étaient très positifs. Nous proposons pour le vote donc ce qui suit. : Selon les conditions suivantes double jugements peuvent être approuvés. : Règlements pour le double jugement : Les nominations pour "Best in Show" ne sont pas autorisées dans le deuxième jugement. «Best of Breed" ne pourra être donné dans le deuxième jugement. Au moins trois juges doivent être invités. Toutes les catégories doivent être gardés redondante triple par les juges. (Exemple: 3‐ allbreed juges ou deux juges allbreed, 1 juge de la groupe LH / SLH et 1 juge pour la groupe OSH/ SH) L'approbation de la licence d'un double jugement n'est pas possible si il y a une autre exposition WCF dans la même région dans 4 semaines. Double jugements ne peuvent pas être approuvés pour: Expositions Mondiales, Joint‐shows, Best Cat of WCF (WCF‐ Olimpia), des expositions de réunions du WCC et des événements similaires. Votes 5428 Invalid 4 Abstention 1 No 26 Yes 23 46,9 % This proposal is not accepted. 10.5 Novizenklasse / Novice class / Classe novice: Unsere Entscheidung zur Schließung der Novizenklassen steht im Widerspruch zum Beschluß des Europaparlaments des Artikels über die Erhaltung der Artenvielfalt. Der Vorstand hat daher in der Vergangenheit bereits Sondergenehmigungen für Einzelfälle erteilen müssen. Die Wiedereröffnung der Novizenklasse liegt in der Eigenverantwortung der WCF‐Mitglieder. Die Voraussetzungen für das Ausstellen von Katzen in der Novizenklasse sind: 4 verschiedene Richter müssen diese Katzen richten. Etwaige Dokumente müssen auf Verlangen vorgezeigt werden. Our decision for closing the novice class is contrary to the decision of the European Parliament of the article on the "Conservation of Biodiversity". The Board therefore had to grant in the past special permits for individual cases. The reopening of the novice class is the responsibility of WCF members. The conditions for showing cats in the novice class are: 4 different judges need to judge these cats. Any documents must be shown upon request. Notre décision de fermer la classe novice est contraire à la décision du Parlement européen de l'article sur la "conservation de la biodiversité". Le Conseil a donc doit accorder dans le passé des permis spéciaux pour les cas individuels. La réouverture de la classe novice est la responsabilité des membres WCF. Les conditions pour exposer des chats dans la classe novice sont : 4 juges differents doivent juger ces chats. Tous les documents doivent être présentés sur demande. Discussion : Mrs. Pepermans:: Es soll geändert werden in: mindestens 4 Richter müssen diese Katzen richten und in 3 verschiedenen Vereinen. Given for voting: Minimum 4 Judges must judge the cat in the novice class in 3 different clubs. Result: Votes 49 Invalid 0 Abstention 5 No 13 Yes 31 70,5 % This proposal is accepted. 10.6 Folgende Richterregeln müssen ratifiziert werden / The following rules for judges must be ratified / Les règles pour juges suivantes doivent être ratifié: Antrag der Richterkommission / Proposal from the judges commission / Proposition de la commission juge: Im Fall eines Wechsels der Vereinsmitgliedschaft sind WCF‐Richter und WCF‐Richterschüler verpflichtet innerhalb einer Frist von 4 Wochen den Obmann der Richterkommission darüber zu informieren. In case of the change of the club‐membership, WCF judges WCF judging pupils are obliged to inform the chairman of the judges commission within 4 weeks time. Dans le cas du changement du club, les juges WCF élèves juges sont tenus d'informer le président de la commission juge dans 4 semaines. Votes 46 Invalid 0 Abstention 4 No 6 Yes 36 85,7 % This proposal is accepted 10.7 Ausstellen von Katzen von WCF‐Richtern Ein Richter darf anläßlich der Ausstellungen, bei denen er richtet, die in seinem Besitz befindlichen Katzen und Katzen, die in seinem Haushalt leben nur außer Konkurrenz ausstellen. WCF Judges exhibiting cats A judge may exhibit cats that are his property or live with him in the same household as Exhibit only if the judge is judging the show. Juges exposants des chats : Un juge peut exposer ses chats et les chats qui vivent avec lui seulement hors concours sil sur des expos ou il juge. Votes 50 Invalid 0 Abstention 2 No 2 Yes 46 95,8 % This proposal is accepted 10.8 Richter‐Erlaubnis / Judging Permit / Permis a juger29 Ein(e) Richter(in), der/die sich um eine WCF‐Richter‐Erlaubnis bewirbt, kann, wenn er /sie Vorstandsmitglied eines Vereines oder Verbandes ist, der dem World Cat Congress oder einem Vertragspartner der WCF nicht angehört, nur als Gastrichter lizenziert werden. A judge who is applying for a judging permit can only be licensed as Guest Judge if he is Board member of a club or organization which is not affiliated to the World Cat Congress or is a contract partner of WCF. Un juge qui fait une demande pour un permis de juger ne peut être délivré en tant que juge invité sil est membre du conseil d'un club ou une organisation qui n'est pas affiliée au World Cat Congress ou est un partenaire contractuel de la WCF. Votes 50 Invalid 0 Abstention 7 No 15 Yes 28 65,1 % This proposal is accepted 10.9 Joint Shows 1. Joint Shows mit Vereinen, die nicht dem World Cat Congress (WCC) angehören oder ein Vertragspartner der WCF ist, und die Richter einladen, die unter Suspendierung stehen oder deren WCF‐Lizenz entzogen wurde, sind nicht erlaubt. 2. Bereits erteilte Lizenzen für Joint Shows verlieren ihre Gültigkeit, wenn oben genannter Fall eintritt. 1. Joint shows with clubs that are not members of the World Cat Congress (WCC) or are contract partners of WCF, and invite judges, who are under suspension, or whose license has been revoked by WCF are not permitted. 2. A license already granted for the planned joint show loses validity when above mentioned case arrives. 1. Joint shows avec des clubs qui ne sont pas membres du World Cat Congress (WCC) ou partenaire contractuel de la WCF, et qui invitent juges, qui sont sous la suspension, ou dont le permis a été révoqué de la WCF, ne sont pas autorisés. 2. Licences déjà donnés pour joint shows perdent leur validité lors de l'entrée ci‐dessus cas mentionné. Votes 52 Invalid 0 Abstention 2 No 19 Yes 31 59,6 % This proposal is accepted 10.10 Seminare Lizenzen für Seminare müssen mindestens 6 Monate vor dem betreffenden Termin beantragt werden. Licences for Seminars must be requested at least 6 months before the concerned date. Les licences pour des séminaires doit être demandée au moins 6 mois avant la date concernée Votes 49 Invalid 0 Abstention 2 No 5 Yes 42 89,3 % This proposal is accepted 10.11 Club‐Vorstandsmitglieder / Club‐Board‐Members / Membres du Conseil des clubs Die Mitglieder des geschäftsführenden Vorstandes eines Nicht‐WCF‐ Katzen‐Verbandes sind nicht als Mitglieder des geschäftsführenden Vorstandes eines WCF‐Mitgliedes akzeptiert. The members of the Executive Board of a non‐WCF Cat Association are not accepted as members of the Executive Board of a WCF club. Les membres du Conseil exécutif d'un non‐WCF Association ne sont pas acceptés en tant que membres du Conseil exécutif d'un club de WCF. Votes 5130 Invalid 0 Abstention 6 No 20 Yes 25 55,6 % This proposal is accepted 10.12 Die Best Cat of WCF (WCF Olimpia) Ausstellung wird einmal im Yeshr abgehalten werden. Katzen, die an dem Wettbewerb Best Cat of WCF teilnehmen, erhalten für ihre Ergebnisse dreifache Punkte. The Best Cat of WCF (WCF Olimpia) exhibition will be held once a year. Cats who take part in the competition for Best Cat of WCF receive for their results triple points. L'exposition Best Cat of WCF (WCF Olimpia) se tiendra une fois par an. Les chats qui prennent part à la compétition pour Best Cat of WCF reçoivent pour leurs résultats points triples. Votes 50 Invalid 0 Abstention 4 No 12 Yes 34 73,9 % This proposal is accepted. 10.13 Prüfung für internationale Richter/‐innen zur Lizensierung bei der WCF / International judge´s exam for licensing with the WCF / Tests pour des juges internationaux pour la licence WCF Gemäß beiliegenden Dokumenten / As per enclosed Documents / Selon les Documents ci‐joints Votes 46 Invalid 0 Abstention 1 No 3 Yes 42 93,3 % This proposal is accepted 10.14 Antrag Statutenänderung / Application statute change / Demande la modification de statuts Gemäß beiliegenden Dokumenten / As per enclosed Documents / Selon les Documents ci‐joints Votes 53 It has been noted several times in the course of the General Assembly that film, photo and sound recordings are not permitted. The husband of Mrs. Melnikova takes films or photos by mobile phone or seems to transfers directly to the Internet. It is pointed out that this is not permitted and Mrs. Hackmann expelled him from the hall. Mrs. Roriz has a nervous breakdown and the meeting is interrupted for 5 minutes 10.14 art 3 votes 52Yes 31 No 21 Abstention 59,6 % 10.14 art 7 votes 53 Yes 30 No 23 Abstention 56,6 % 10.14 art 8 votes 52 Yes 30 No 22 Abstention 57,7 % 10.14 art 9 votes 53 Yes 31 No 22 Abstention 58,5 % 10.14 art 11 votes 51 Yes 29 No 22 Abstention 56,9 % 10.14 art 17 votes 52 Yes 30 No 21 Abstention 1 58,8 % 10.14 art 20 votes 52 Yes 31 No 21 Abstention 1 60,8 % 10.14 art 24 votes 52 Yes 25 No 21 Abstention 5 Ungültig 1 54,3 % 10.14 art 26 votes 52 Yes 28 No 23 Abstention 1 54,9 %31 10.14 art 27 votes 52 Yes 30 No 20 Abstention 2 58,8 % 10.14 art 29 votes 51 Yes 25 No 21 Abstention 5 54,3 % 10.14 art 30 votes 51 Yes 25 No 21 Abstention 5 54,3 % 10.14 art 33 votes 51 Yes 29 No 21 Abstention 1 59,2 % 10.14 art 36 votes 49 Yes 28 No 20 Abstention 1 58,3 % 10.14 art 44 votes 51 Yes 29 No 21 Abstention 1 58,0 % Non of the articles was accepted, as the ¾ majority was not reached. Anträge der Mitglieder gemäß beiliegenden Dokumenten Applications submitted by the Members as per enclosed Documents Applications des Membres selon les Documents ci‐joints 13.1 Mecats AE‐0192 13.1.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) 13.1.2 Anerkennung der Arabian Mau / Recognition of the Arabian Mau / Reconnaissance de Race de Mau Arabe Votes 44 Invalid Abstention 2 No 0 Yes 42 100 % The breed is recognized The GA agrees on changing the order of the day, and treat points 13.6.1 and 13.7.2 for the sake of the waiting cats. 13.6. Freesenkatten DE‐0230 13.6.1 Anerkennung der Burma in Silber, Smoke und Ticked / Recognition of the Burma in Silver, Smoke and Ticked Tabby / Reconnaissance de Race de Burma dans Silver, Smoke et Ticked Tabby Following proposal was given after discusion for voting: The Burmese in silver and smoke varieties and ticked tabby are recognized. An outcross with Asians is not permitted Votes 53 Invalid Abstention 2 No 6 Yes 45 88,2 % The proposal is accepted. 13.7. Stammbaum DE‐0234 13.7.2 Antrag zur Anerkennung der Aphrodite´s Giant / Application Recognition of the Aphrodite´s Giant / Demande Reconnaissance de Race de Aphrodite´s Giant Votes 50 Invalid 0 Abstention 5 No 6 Yes 39 86,7 % The breed is recognized Mrs. Abramova and Mr. Sanchez take over the counting of votes, because two vote counters had to leave the GA. 13.2. BRKV BE‐0224 13.2.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) 13.3.2. BFC Felita BY‐0140 13.3.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12)32 13.4. CFB BR‐0167 13.4.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) 13.5.Deutsche Edelkatze DE‐0103 13.5.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) 13.5.2 Anerkennung der Deutsch Langhaar / Recognition of the Deutsch Langhaar / Reconnaissance de Race de Deutsch Langhaar Votes 50 Invalid 0 Abstention 6 No 11 Yes 33 75 % The breed is recognized. 13.5.3 Änderung der Zuordung der Rasse Britisch Langhaar von Halblanghaar zu Langhaar / Änderung der Zuordung der Rasse Britisch Langhaar von Halblanghaar zu Langhaar / Modification de la répartition de la race Britannique de longs cheveux des cheveux demi‐longs à de longs cheveux Votes 46 Invalid 0 Abstention 2 No 10 Yes 34 77,3 % The proposal is accepted. 13.7. Stammbaum DE‐0234 13.7.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) 13.7.3 Antrag Anerkennung weitere Farben für Traditional Longhair / Application Recognition of other Colors Traditional Longhair / Demande Reconnaissance les autres couleurs pour Traditional Longhairs After discussion the following proposal was given for voting: The traditional longhair is recognized in all colours. The offspring of a mating Traditional Longhair Silver and Golden Varieties and other colours may not be used in the Silver / Golden breeding. Votes 50 Invalid 0 Abstention 4 No 16 Yes 30 65,2 % The proposal is accepted. 13.7.4 Änderung der Haarkategorien / Change of the hair categories / Modification des catégories de cheveux Withdrawn 13.8. FIAF IT‐0141 13.8.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) 13.9 AFeF IT‐0175 13.9.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) 13.10. Belayes‐Liza KZ‐0235 13.10.1 Antrag die Region KAZ‐020 in 3 Teile zu teilen / Application to divide region KAZ‐020 into 3 parts / Demande de diviser la région KAZ‐020 en trois parties Votes 53 Invalid 0 Abstention 8 No 12 Yes 33 73,3 % The proposal is accepted.33 13.11. LFA FELIMUR LV‐0134 13.11.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) 13.12. CAT´s MEOW LV‐0217 13.9.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) 13.13. Elitar Club RU‐0170 13.13.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) 13.14. Kotofey RU‐0197 13.14.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) 13.14.2 Anträge zu TOP 16 und TOP 17 / Applications to TOP 16 and TOP 17 / Demandes du TOP 16 et TOP 17 Mrs. Melnikova demands to take to protocol, that the voting upon the following point of the agenda violates German right because in the eGA it was already voted upon before. voting paper Punkt 2 neu is used for the voting upon the expulsion of Club Felis for causing irreparable moral and financial damage to the WCF. Votes 52 Invalid 0 Abstention 1 No 23 Yes 28 54,9 % The needed ¾ majority for an expulsion of Club Felis was not reached. The club stays member of the WCF. Loud and hot discussion between Mrs. Rudakova and Mrs. Mironova in Russian language in which Mrs. Rudakova is putting pressure on Mrs. Mironova. Mrs. Hackmann reminds the ladies, that the discussion has to be led in English. voting paper Punkt 3 neu is used for the voting upon the expulsion of Elitar Club for causing irreparable moral and financial damage to the WCF. This point was withdrawn by Mrs. Mironova, president of Kotofey Russia upon pressure of Mrs. Rudakova 13.14.2. Request fromKotofey: Delete from the judges of WCF Mrs Anna Rudakova as pursuing a commercial interest in judging Fr.Krause asks: Is it true, that you, Mrs Rudakova have witnessed in front of court, that you live from the judges fees? Mrs Rudakova vehemently denies this accusation. Mrs Nesterenko declares, that Mrs. Rudakova always judges the shows of her club for free and Mrs. Rudakova confirms this and says that she does not need this money for her living. Mrs. Rautmann witnesses that she has seen affidavits of Mrs. Rudakova and Mrs. Abramova, were both claim separately, that they need the non specified allowance, which is paid to the judges for their living. Mrs Abramova says: Does a poor woman look like this? and shows her precious jewellery to the participants of the GA. Request fromKotofey: Delete from the judges of WCF. Mrs. Olga Abramova as pursuing a commercial interest in judging. This point was withdrawn by Mrs. Mironova, president of Kotofey Russia upon pressure of Mrs. Rudakova 17.2 Rekurs / appeal / référence Richter / judge /juge Mrs. Olga Abramova The appeal is brought forward and dealt with, as the discussion of the preceding items already produced a reference to the appeal of Ms Abramova. Mrs. Abramova takes the following position: She says her English is poor. The club is as old as the WCF. In the 90es Mrs. Hackmann came for the first time to judge for her. Mrs. Abramova has mad all the examines in the WCF. Never has anyone complained about her judging. Mrs. Preiss is called for the third time upon request, to order. Mrs. Krause asked to record in the minutes: Mr. Oleg Gulevich gets several new voting papers.. Votes 53 Invalid 034 Abstention 1 No 28 53,8 % Yes 24 The appeal will be given no place. Mrs. Abramova is removed from the list of judges. 17.3 Rekurs / appeal / référence Richter / judge /juge Mrs. Anna Rudakova Mrs. Rudakova withdrew her appeal request. 13.15. RosKosh RU‐0204 13.15.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) 13.16. SNRF SE‐0236 13.16.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) 13.17. ILCF UA‐0133 13.17.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) 13.18. CASA ZA‐0215 13.18.1 Vorschläge von Kandidaten / Proposed Candidates / Candidats Proposés (s. TOP 12) Anträge neuer Clubs gemäß beiliegenden Dokumenten Applications new Clubs as per enclosed Documents Applications nouveaux clubs selon les Documents ci‐joints 14.1.Sozvezdie Druzey Antrag auf Vollmitgliedschaft / Application for Full‐membership / Demande pour le Full‐membership Votes 47 Invalid 0 Abstention 0 No 40 Yes 7 14,9 % Der Club wird nicht als Vollmitglied aufgenommen. 14.2.CFC Pleskava Antrag auf Vollmitgliedschaft / Application for Full‐membership / Demande pour le Full‐membership Votes 51 Invalid 1 Abstention 0 No 44 Yes 6 12,0 % The club is not accepted as full member. 14.3.FK Aziyes Antrag auf Vollmitgliedschaft / Application for Full‐membership / Demande pour le Full‐membership Votes 51 Invalid 0 Abstention 0 No 43 Yes 8 15,7 % The club is not accepted as full member. 14.4. Cercle Felin de L`est Antrag auf Vollmitgliedschaft / Application for Full‐membership / Demande pour le Full‐membership Votes 52 Invalid 1 Abstention 0 No 22 35 Yes 29 56,9 % The club ist accepted as full member. 14.5. Cyprus Cats National Breeds Association Antrag auf Vollmitgliedschaft / Application for Full‐membership / Demande pour le Full‐membership Votes 51 Invalid 1 Abstention 0 No 19 Yes 31 62,0 % The club is accepted as full member. 14.6.Elita Sibi Antrag auf Vollmitgliedschaft / Application for Full‐membership / Demande pour le Full‐membership Votes 52 Invalid 2 Abstention 0 No 40 Yes 10 20,0 % The club is not accepted as full member. 14.7.Afitaliaplus Associazione Felina Italiana Antrag auf Vollmitgliedschaft / Application for Full‐membership / Demande pour le Full‐membership Votes 49 Invalid 1 Abstention 1 No 31 Yes 16 34,0 % The club is not accepted as full member. Anlagen TOP 15. Abstimmung über Status der Patronatsmitglieder / Vote about status of the patronage members / Vote sur l'état des membres de patronage 15.1 Patronatsclub ohne Antrag Vollmitgliedschaft / Patronage club without application full membership/ Club de patronage sans demande une pleine appurtenance Votes 53 Invalid 1 Not all present members with voting right have given their vote to every patronage club on the multiple voting paper for the voting about the maintenance of the patronage clubs inthe WCF. These votes are counted as abstentions. 1 SE‐0239 Invalid 1 Abstention 5 No 27 Yes 20 42,6 % The membership under patronage ends on July 1, 2012. 2 SE‐0240 Invalid 1 Abstention 5 No 27 Yes 20 42,6 % The membership under patronage ends on July 1, 2012.36 3 UA‐0163 Invalid 1 Abstention 11 No 27 Yes 14 34,1 % The membership under patronage ends on July 1, 2012. 4 KZ‐0257 Invalid 1 Abstention 3 No 17 Yes 31 63,3 % The membership under patronage will continue. 5 DE‐0228 Invalid 1 Abstention 10 No 12 Yes 30 71,4 % The membership under patronage will continue. 6 DE‐0231 Invalid 1 Abstention 11 No 14 Yes 26 65,0 % The membership under patronage will continue. 7 EE‐0243 Invalid 1 Abstention 8 No 19 Yes 25 56,8 % The membership under patronage will continue 8 FR‐0216 Invalid 1 Abstention 10 No 27 Yes 15 35,7 % The membership under patronage ends on July 1, 2012. 9 NO‐0238 Invalid 1 Abstention 5 No 18 Yes 29 61,7 % The membership under patronage will continue 10 PL‐0196 Invalid 1 Abstention 8 No 24 Yes 20 45,5 % The membership under patronage ends on July 1, 2012. 11 PL‐0193 Invalid 1 Abstention 3 No 25 Yes 24 49,0 % The membership under patronage ends on July 1, 2012.37 12 RU‐0189 Invalid 1 Abstention 3 No 21 Yes 28 57,1 % The membership under patronage will continue 13 RU‐0213 Invalid 1 Abstention 4 No 37 Yes 11 22.9 % The membership under patronage ends on July 1, 2012. 14 RU‐0218 Invalid 1 Abstention 6 No 32 Yes 14 29,2 % The membership under patronage ends on July 1, 2012. 15 RU‐0247 Invalid 1 Abstention 1 No 18 Yes 30 62,5 % The membership under patronage will continue 16 RU‐0220 Invalid 1 Abstention 3 No 28 Yes 21 42,9 % The membership under patronage ends on July 1, 2012. 17 RU‐0188 Invalid 1 Abstention 5 No 27 Yes 20 42,6 % The membership under patronage ends on July 1, 2012. 18 EE‐0251 Invalid 1 Abstention 1 No 27 Yes 24 47,1 % The membership under patronage ends on July 1, 2012. 19 UY‐0222 Invalid 1 Abstention 2 No 14 Yes 33 70,2 % The membership under patronage will continue 20 HU‐0258 Invalid 1 Abstention 6 No 11 Yes 35 76,1 % The membership under patronage will continue38 21 LT‐0245 Invalid 1 Abstention 3 No 38 Yes 11 22,4 % The membership under patronage ends on July 1, 2012. 22 BY‐0256 Invalid 1 Abstention 5 No 12 Yes 35 74,5 % The membership under patronage will continue 15.2 Patronatsclub Antrag auf Vollmitgliedschaft / Patronage club with application for full membership / Club de patronage avec la demande sur une pleine appurtenance Given voting papers 51 Invalid 3 1 BE‐0254 Votes 47 Abstention 1 No 15 Yes 31 67,4 % The club becomes full member. 2 BG‐0242 Votes 47 Abstention 2 No 22 Yes 23 51,1 % The club becomes full member. 3 BY‐0250 Votes 47 Abstention 4 No 21 Yes 22 51,2 % The club becomes full member. 4 CH‐0183 Votes 48 Abstention 3 No 33 Yes 12 26,7 % The club does not become full member. 5 KZ‐0233 Votes 47 Abstention 1 No 23 Yes 24 51,1 % The club becomes full member. 6 PL‐0246 Votes 46 Abstention 3 No 37 Yes 6 14,0 % The club does not become full member. 39 7 RU‐0181 Votes 48 Abstention 4 No 33 Yes 11 25,0 % The club does not become full member. 8 RU‐0182 Votes 48 Abstention 3 No 33 Yes 12 26,7 % The club does not become full member. 9 RU‐0177 Votes 48 Abstention 4 No 44 Yes 0 0,0 % The club does not become full member. 10 RU‐0199 Votes 48 Abstention 3 No 42 Yes 3 6,7 % The club does not become full member. 11 RU‐0202 Votes 48 Abstention 3 No 39 Yes 6 13,3 % Der Verein wird nicht Vollmitglied 12 RU‐0219 Votes 48 Abstention 3 No 45 Yes 0 0,0 % The club does not become full member. 13 UA‐0252 Votes 47 Abstention 2 No 35 Yes 10 22,2 % The club does not become full member. 14 UA‐0190 Votes 49 Abstention 3 No 39 Yes 7 15,2 % The club does not become full member. 15 UA‐0255 Votes 48 Abstention 2 No 33 Yes 13 28,3 % The club does not become full member. 40 16 IL‐0156 Votes 48 Abstention 2 No 18 Yes 28 60,9 % The club does not become full member. 17 LT‐0253 Votes 48 Abstention 1 No 38 Yes 9 19,1 % The club does not become full member. 15.3 Antrag auf Patronatsmitglied / Application for patronage member / Demande sur le membre de patronage Power Cat Club Austria Votes 52 Abstention 1 No 26 Yes 25 49,0 % The club is not taken to the patronage of WCF. Anlagen TOP 16. Anträge gemäß beiliegenden Dokumenten / Applications as per enclosed Documents / Applications selon les Documents ci‐joints 16.1 Felis RU‐0160 vorgezogen nach 13.1 Antrag auf Rekurs und der daraus folgenden Abstimmung/ Application for appeal and the following vote Demande sur la référence et le vote suivant de cela withdrawn 16.2 Alice RU‐0119 Antrag auf Rekurs und der daraus folgende Abstimmung/ Application for appeal and the following vote Demande sur la référence et le vote suivant de cela withdrawn 16.3 Elitär RU‐0170 Antrag auf Rekurs und der daraus folgende Abstimmung/ Application for appeal and the following vote Demande sur la référence et le vote suivant de cela withdrawn 16.4 Cypern CY‐0124 Antrag auf Rekurs und der daraus folgende Abstimmung/ Application for appeal and the following vote Demande sur la référence et le vote suivant de cela withdrawn 16.5 LFO Felina LT‐0245 Antrag auf Rekurs und der daraus folgende Abstimmung/ Application for appeal and the following vote Demande sur la référence et le vote suivant de cela Wurde zurückgezogen Anlagen TOP 17. Anträge gemäß beiliegenden Dokumenten / Applications as per enclosed Documents / Applications selon les Documents ci‐joints 17 Verschiedenes / Miscellanious / Sujèts à lintérêt commun 17.1 Rekurs / appeal / référence Richter / judge /juge Mrs Balchiuniene und Mr. Balchiunas 17.2 Rekurs / appeal / référence Richter / judge /juge Mrs. Olga Abramova Votes Invalid Abstention No Yes 53 1 28 24 53,8 % The appeal is rejected. Mrs. Abramova is removed from the list of judges. 17.3 Rekurs / appeal / référence Richter / judge /juge Mrs. Anna Rudakova41 17.4 Richter / judge / juge Mr. Andreas Kretscher‐Kraiczek Streichung von der Richterliste / Cancelation of the judge's list / Suppression de la liste de juge Votes 48 Invalid 2 Abstention 1 No 19 Yes 26 57,8 % Mr. Kretschmar‐Kraiczek will be deleted from the judges list. 17.5 Subclubs Withdrawn 17.6 Bildung einer Satzungskommission / Founding of a statute commission / Formation d'une commission de statut Votes 48 Invalid 2 Abstention 1 No 19 Yes 26 57,8 % As installing a new commssion has to be seen as a change of statute, the needed ¾ majority was not reached and this proposal is not accepted. 17.6.1 Questions to the minutes of last Extraordinary General Assembly Dr. Lamprecht asks an appointment for publication of the show rules. Mr. Veneziani says July 01, 2012 plus transfer to the company that takes care for the website. Publishing on July 10, 2012 online Appointment request for publication of new rules about the cattery names voted upon in August 2010 General Assembly : deadline commitment 05/31/2012 17.7 Auflösung der WCF / Resolution of the WCF / Résolution de WCF withdrawn 18. Verabschiedung durch die Präsidentin / Farewell speech by the President / Discours dadieu de la Présidente Announcement by the President, that all resolutions of the General Assembly become valid on July 1, 2012. A proposal that was given to the president during the current GM by Mrs. Abramova for the club Felis / Russia could not be treated because of the advanced time. The application of Mrs. Nesterenko for the club Felimur / Latvia was submitted only in English and was involved for discussion in the former points of the agenda, even though the form of the application (not filed in 3 languages) was not correct. End of the meeting 23.57 h. Essen , June 29, 2012 Signature: Andreas Möbius , Secretary General Cornelia Hungerecker president judges commisson, lecture of protocol Tatjana Cernova, assistant of the Secretary General for the englische Version of the protocol42 For accepting the protocol: Anneliese Hackmann, president WCF e.V. |
18.08.2012, 21:58 | #9 (permalink) |
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Re: Абрамова Ольга Львовна
а это то, что из этого документа касается Ольги Львовны.
перевод корявый, "промтовский", ну уж что есть. .14.2.1 избирательный бюллетень Punkt 2 neu используется для голосования по изгнанию Клуба Фялис для того, чтобы вызвать непоправимую мораль и финансовое повреждение WCF. Голоса 52 Недействительный 0 Воздержание 1 № 23 Да 28 54,9% Необходимое ¾ большинства за изгнание Клуба Фялис не было достигнуто. Клуб остается член WCF. Громкое и горячее обсуждение между г-жой Рудаковой и г-жой Мироновой на русском языке, в который г-жа Рудакова помещает давление на г-жу Миронову. Г-жа Хакман напоминает леди, что обсуждение нужно вести на английском языке. избирательный бюллетень Punkt 3 neu используется для голосования по изгнанию Клуба Elitar для того, чтобы вызвать непоправимую мораль и финансовое повреждение WCF. Этот пункт был забран г-жой Мироновой, президентом России Kotofey на давление г-жи Рудаковой 13.14.2. Запрос fromKotofey: Удалите от судей г-жи Анны Рудаковой WCF как преследование коммерческого интереса в оценке Франк. Крэюз спрашивает: действительно ли это верно, который Вы, г-жа Рудакова засвидетельствовала перед судом, что Вы живете от взносов судей? Г-жа Рудакова сильно отвергает это обвинение. Г-жа Нестеренко объявляет, что г-жа Рудакова всегда судит демонстрации ее клуб бесплатно и г-жа Рудакова подтверждают это и говорят, что она не нуждается в этих деньгах для своего проживания. Свидетели г-жи Раутман, что она видела показания под присягой г-жи Рудаковой и г-жи Абрамовы, были оба требованием отдельно, что они нуждаюсь в не определенном пособии, которое заплачено судьям для их проживания. Г-жа Абрамова говорит: Делает бедную женщину, похожи это? и шоу ее драгоценные драгоценности участникам GA. Запрос fromKotofey: Удалите от судей WCF. Г-жа Ольга Абрамова как преследование коммерческого интереса в оценке. Этот пункт был забран г-жой Мироновой, президентом России Kotofey на давление г-жи Рудаковой 17.2 Rekurs / обращение / référence Richter / судят/juge г-жу Ольгу Абрамову Обращение выдвинуто и имело дело с, поскольку обсуждение предыдущих пунктов уже произвело ссылку на обращение из г-жи Абрамовы. Г-жа Абрамова занимает следующую позицию: Она говорит, что ее английский язык беден. Клуб так же стар как WCF. В 90es г-жа Хакман прибыл впервые, чтобы судить для нее. Г-жа Абрамова имеет безумный все исследование в WCF. Никогда не имеет никого, жаловался на ее оценка. Г-жу Прайсс называют в третий раз по запросу, чтобы заказать. Г-жа Крэюз попросила заносить в протокол: г-н Олег Гулевич получает несколько новых избирательных бюллетеней.. Голоса 53 Недействительные Воздержание 1 нет 28 - 53,8% Да 24 Обращению не дадут места. Г-жа Абрамова удалена из списка судей. 16.5 LFO Felina LT‐0245 Antrag auf Rekurs und der daraus folgende Abstimmung/Application для обращения и следующего голосования Demande sur la référence et le vote suivant de cela Wurde zurückgezogen Anlagen ЛУЧШИЕ 17. Anträge gemäß beiliegenden Dokumenten / Заявления согласно вложенным Документам / Applications selon les Documents ci‐joints 17 Verschiedenes / Miscellanious / Sujèts à lintérêt commun 17.1 Rekurs / обращение / référence Richter / судят/juge г-жу Болкхиунин und г-н Болкхиунас 17.2 Rekurs / обращение / référence Richter / судят/juge г-жу Ольгу Абрамову 17.2 Rekurs / обращение / référence Richter / судят/juge г-жу Ольгу Абрамову Голоса 53 Инвалид Воздержание 1 Нет 28 53,8% Да 24 Обращение отклонено. Г-жа Абрамова удалена из списка судей [B]ну и комментарий на тему... судебных решений, отменяющих постановление ГА 28-29 апреля 2012 г., на данный момент нет. и госпожа Абрамова, и господа Бальчунасы на данный момент являются выведенными из состава судей WCF.[/B] Последний раз редактировалось Seamni; 18.08.2012 в 22:33. |
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